Smoke-free: day six, a challenge

Today have to go and see my grandmother in the hospital, usually, I go with my mom or at least accompanied by my family member, never alone. Today was different, I went alone. I'm from a small city and went out for education in a bigger city, which is not that far, two hours by… Continue reading Smoke-free: day six, a challenge

Smoke-Free: day five, stronger hearts

The last three were not that interesting, I stay home a lot so there wasn't a big challenge. On Sunday I still smoke one cigarette, fortunately, my body didn't enjoy it at all, maybe because at that time I'm in no fit condition - sore throat -. I think it's getting better, the urge keeps… Continue reading Smoke-Free: day five, stronger hearts

Thoughts on Life Experience #1: The Circle of Death

One night I was going out with friends, as usual, chatting, playing some games, social stuff. The difference today is that my friend plays some online gambling. It's not his first time and I know him pretty well that he got son experience on this kind of stuff. He experiences big wins but also big… Continue reading Thoughts on Life Experience #1: The Circle of Death

Breakfast Thought #8: Sometimes Not Knowing is Better than Knowing

Reading the comment from Abel on the last post got me thinking, losing a bad habit is not an easy task. I learn it the hard way.. I'm a curious person. I want to know many things. From foods, drinks, thoughts, how it works, and much other stuff, even the bad stuff. In the older… Continue reading Breakfast Thought #8: Sometimes Not Knowing is Better than Knowing

Sleepy Thought #17: Expressing love

There's a saying that love can speak heart to heart, two people in love with each other can feel the love between them. But it's only going so far before the wrong feeling comes in, that's why love needs to be expressed. Expressing love is something that sometimes we underestimate, sometimes we think that expressing… Continue reading Sleepy Thought #17: Expressing love

Shower Thought #7: Information Overdose

In today's world information come very fast, easy to access and relatively cheap. And because of that every day our brains are bombarded with a lot of information. It's may sound wonderfully cause more information can get to more inspiration, more opportunities and new ideas. But the reality is that we consuming too much information… Continue reading Shower Thought #7: Information Overdose